Have you ever experienced a hectic or blurred day, week, month, even year? The type of day that you’re trying to get every last possible thing in, and things end up thrown together? Well, that was a summary of our first day (of many to come), but crazier. XD
Three months of preparation and it was time; Friday, July 24, 2020. I wasn’t ready, well I was packed, but I wasn’t ready to leave MN, Buffalo, MN (to be exact) was where I had called home for the last 15 and half years of my life, and I was leaving.
Backstory: Me, Sophie (14 years old, also on the trip go check out her blog post(s): https://onebigfieldtrip.com/favorite-things/), and Bobby (old brother, 20 years old) found out we were moving in the morning in a hotel room. I was stretching at the time when my dad sat down on the bed and said, “Well, there’s going to be some changes in the next couple of months,” I froze, had Cuddles (my 17 year old [eighteen now] cat died)?
“We’re moving and your aunt and uncle will be moving in.”
Sophie and my mom started crying (even though my mom already knew). I was so shocked that I just kept stretching and although I didn’t cry the first day, my world was upside down. I also find it important to mention: That I did cry the next day. I only cried though because I was happy for my aunt and uncle and their family they would have memories like us (and I had wonderful memories). 🙂 Also, to cheer myself up I remember saying in the car, “Hey, at least we don’t have to unpack our bags.” :/
Now, we had talked about going on the road and doing the van/RV life, which I had been fine with, but I always thought we’d have the MN house (or a house in general…..) to fall back on. It’s wonderful to come home after a long trip and be in your own bedroom, with your animals (if you have any) and just be in the place you call home.
But now I have a trailer to call home (which I haven’t really called home yet…..it’s more like a prison right now….XD).
It’s crazy how quickly thing can change. When we got back home I didn’t know if I was ready to face my uncle, aunt (who would being moving in after our removal…..maybe removal is a bit harsh….), grandma, and grandpa (the owners of the home and property). But I saw them, and for a time I really disliked my aunt and uncle (and it’s not them as their personalities I disliked, or them as a whole, the reason was: they were taking away what I’ve been calling home; so I would’ve been kind of sour at anyone who would do that), but you can’t live like that. You have to learn to forgive.
We started packing a few days after we got back, we began to take apart and rebuild my grandpas pole barn. We built 3 bedrooms + 1 storage room.
Then the animals, my animals: Cuddles, Lynx, Toby, and we had another cat (Lily), but she wanted to live outside….. she’s another story….. XD
Lynx was re-homed first on July 10, 2020, he was terrified and actually busted out of this pet taxi thing we owned, but he went to a nice bachelor guy who lives in the country area of MN.
Cuddles (whom we’ve had since she was 1) was re-homed next on Saturday, July 11, 2020, and that’s the day I realized how much she meant to me (go figures….. :/ ), sure she’s a cat to others, and call me crazy, but she’s my best friend. When I handed her over I…..felt like I lost a part of myself. When the man left I went down to my room and spent 20 minutes trying to control my tears, and my breath. I had LITERALLY just lost a part of me.
Toby was rehomed the same day in the afternoon. And to be totally honest it felt weird to have him rehomed last when it should’ve been Cuddles, I mean she’s been with us the longest.
Friday, July 24, 2020: Three months of packing, planning, hecticness, building, taking apart, rebuilding, and repacking, etc.,… it was time.
MY animals were gone. I had moved from the house I had spent the last fifteen and a half years in, into one of the prepared pole barn rooms. So, what was I leaving? Friends. Bobby. I’ll miss them all, but my life had been torn and I wasn’t really able to stitch it back up.
I miss Bobby. I think we grew closer this summer. I don’t think you’ll ever read this XD, but…..I love you older bro.
I’ll miss MN, but now it’s time for an adventure.
Highlights of this summer/moving: I came closer to my brother and grandpa (I shot guns with them, and Sophie, for 3ish hours one day). I got to forgive people I never thought I would. I learned I LOVE building and construction. Also, change is good, AS LONG as you have the right attitude, and letting and being willing to have the right attitude is EXTREMELY helpful. 🙂
To make PERFECTLY, crystal clear; I hold NO anger, hatred, resentment, etc.,….for any of the family members I mentioned. I love them ALL dearly. It’s just very hard to get accustomed to the realization that: I’m on the road, not going back to my old house (as it looked to me while I lived there), I have no animals with me, and I left my home state. But seriously, I never hated them, ever.
Look out for: Posts from me once a month.
Go follow: @one.big.field.trip on instagram
Have a great day and go tell someone you appreciate them. ¡Adios para ahora!